Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Journey into Alzheimer's

Year 7:  My husband now is in Severe Alzheimer's. 

We finally or I should say  FINALLY found the Doctor I had been searching for my husband.  This Doctor was accommodating and nice and he actually talked to us and he acted concerned and he had compassion for us.  This was truly a mile-stone.  This Doctor is a Geriatric Doctor who specializes in Alzheimer's.   One thing I discovered about myself, I have a tendency not to reveal all of my husband's symptoms, or cover-up for him, it is a way of protecting him.  When the Doctor started asking me questions, i.e. "Does he pee his pants?", "Does he poop his pants?", these questions remained negative but the next question took me by surprise, "Does he forget to wipe?", OMG, "YES" but I did not want to embarrass my husband, so I said, "yes, but not often."  Okay, I did not tell the whole truth.  Part of me is still in denial and part of me wants to protect my husband.  I am now his advocate and I remain so until the day he passes. 

On Thurs. I heard from the Counselor at the VA.  I left a message that I needed Respite care for Sam.  I was told previously he is entitled to two days a month.  When the Counselor told me I can take a week at a time, I became estatic and whispered under my breathe, "Thank you, God".  I told the man I will take a week. 
He gave me the weeks in April that were available and I selected them.  I plan to either fly or drive to Southern California.  The cost would actually be about the same but I don't know if I can handle the hustle and bustle of LAX airport.  Something I have time to think about.  I am so afraid to leave Sam in respite care without telling him but I know he won't cooperate so I am going to have to leave him there without him knowing what is taking place.  I am going to ask my neighbor's if they will help me and volunteer taking Sam to the VA.  OMG, I am so excited and then again, I am so fearful.